suit of good cut
european cut suit
european-cut suit
: ヨーロピアンカットのスーツ
expensively cut suit
: ぜいたくなスーツ
finely cut suit
: 見事{みごと}にカットされたスーツ
high cut bathing suit
high-cut bathing suit
: ハイレグの水着{みずぎ}
suit of a traditional cut
: 《a ~》伝統的{でんとうてき}な裁ち方[スタイル]のスーツ
suit of poor cut
: 仕立ての良くないスーツ
well cut suit
well-cut suit
: 仕立ての良いスーツ
bathing suit cut away at the hip
: ハイレグの水着{みずぎ}
bathing suit cut high in the leg
: ハイレグの水着{みずぎ}
one's (only) good suit (or kimono)
: one's (only) good suit (or kimono) 一帳羅 一張羅 いっちょうら
cut a good figure
: 格好{かっこう}よく[かなり立派{りっぱ}に]見える、引き立つ、異彩{いさい}を放つ、頭角{とうかく}を現す
cut a good figure in
: ~を着ると立派{りっぱ}に見える、~を着ると格好いい
"suit of armor" 意味
"suit of black" 意味
"suit of clothes" 意味
"suit of clothing" 意味
"suit of feudal arm" 意味
"suit of harness" 意味
"suit of pajamas" 意味
"suit of poor cut" 意味
"suit of sails" 意味
"suit of clothing" 意味
"suit of feudal arm" 意味
"suit of harness" 意味
"suit of pajamas" 意味
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